Monday, July 28, 2008

Hyperjaxb3 0.4 to be released pretty soon

Hi everyone,

I'm writing now just to inform you guys on the process.

Last few month I was intensively working on Hyperjaxb3 version 0.4 and now it's ready. This version has gone through a large refactoring. I'll post the details in the release description but here's a couple of hightlights:

  • Previously HJ3 could only generate JPA annotations. The 0.4 version can also generate ORM mappings as XML resources (in this schema).

  • New version introduced global customizations. Now you can customize generated mappings globally. For instance, you can instruct Hyperjaxb3 to map complex collections as many-to-many (instead of default one-to-many), choose between join-column or join-table association strategies per default and many other things.
  • I've added more tests, more sample and template projects to help people start with HJ3 more easily.

As I said, HJ3 version 0.4 is ready and you can get it from the Maven2 repository. Next days I'll be working on documentation and release description, so it's not an "official" release yet. Stay tuned.

ps. Along with HJ3 version 0.4 there's also new versions of Annox and Jaxb2-commons available.